Kitchari Cleanse

What is Kitchari?

Kitchari is a traditional dish in Ayurvedic healing that has been passed down through centuries. It is a simple and nourishing way to heal the body and mind. This dish contains a combination of cooked basmati rice, split yellow mung beans, vegetables, ghee and spices and it’s incredibly powerful in supporting and promoting healthy digestion. Having a balanced digestion gives space to have a clear mind, healthy skin, more restful sleep and brighter spirits and overall mood in life.

Why should I do a kitchari cleanse?

1. Strengthen your digestion

2. Detoxification

3. Mental clarity

4. Rejuvenation

Why is a kitchari cleanse healing?

1. Kitchari is a fully balanced meal of proteins, fats, carbs, minerals, and spices.

The combination of rice, mung beans and vegetables create a balanced state for your body.

Kitchari is a balanced meal because it is not only moistening and drying, it is both grounding and invigoration. This allows this meal to balance all dosha and incorporate all 6 tastes in one meal. Rice, which is moistening, contains the sweet taste. This helps to build tissues, calm vata dosha, and supports the digestion of the other food. Mung beans, which are drying, help the body to cleanse and detoxify because of their bitter and astringent taste. For optimal digestion, try to keep a ratio of 60% rice and 40% mung beans in your kitchari (I will provide exact recipe upon signing up!).

2. Kitchari is satiating.

By adding digestive spices, such as ginger, turmeric, cumin, and coriander, the meal becomes very cleansing, balanced and satisfying. When you are properly satiated on a regular basis, your food cravings and impulses to snack will decrease. This will allow your digestion to improve.

3. Kitchari is easily digestible

Kitchari is easily digestible, due to the slow and thorough cooking of the ingredients to form a soupy consistency. This helps break down the food before entering your body, so your digestion doesn’t need to work as hard. The reason why this is so cleansing, is because the food is now easily digestible, allowing your body a break to restore the natural strength of agni.

What can I expect?

  • Clear and hydrated skin

  • Clear and vibrant eyes

  • Consistent elimination

  • Consistent and stable energy throughout the day

  • Calm and peaceful demeanor

  • Deep and restful sleep

What will I need?

Grains: white basmati rice, brown basmati rice, or barley
Legumes: whole and split mung beans, adzuki beans
Oil: ghee or olive oil
Spices and herbs - For best results, use fresh spices including: Ginger root, Turmeric root or powder, Cumin, coriander, fennel, cardamom, cinnamon, mustard seeds, Bay leaves, Asafoetida (fenugreek is a good substitute if not available), Kombu or another sea vegetable, Mineral salt.

In order to have an effective cleansing process...

  • Establish a consistent daily routine:

  • Wake before 6:00 a.m., scrape your tongue, brush your teeth. Practice abhyanga and bathe.

  • Meditate for at least 5 minutes, or practice mindfulness/stilness. Prepare kunyi for breakfast, kitchari with vegetables for lunch and plain kitchari for dinner.

  • Your portion should be approximately the amount you can hold in both hands. It's helpful to use the same bowl for each meal so that you can establish a consistent portion size that works for you.

  • Stop eating at about 80% fullness.

  • Leave out alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar, fermented foods and meat. (optional) Take 1 teaspoon triphala powder in 1⁄2 cup warm water or take 2 triphala tablets before breakfast and dinner.

  • Go to bed before 10:00 p.m.


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