Sleep Rituals for your Dosha

Sleep is our golden chain that binds our health and body together. Without it, we are many pieces disoriented.
Ayurveda teaches us that our sleep is our fuel but why do so many of us suffer from lack of it? This can be stress, anxiety, trauma, poor diet, poor lifestyle choices ect. Our bodies function holistically as a whole. You cannot separate sleep health from the rest of your health. If one aspect of health is disoriented it creates a chain reaction throughout the entire body.

Reflecting on your daily habits from the moment you wake to the moment you sleep as well as your state of mind during this time, can help you understand your habits better.

Each individual is born with a unique energy and set of habits, however, knowing your dominant energetic constitution is a simpler way to know how to find balance. For instance, Vata-types tend to be restless due to stress, constant train of thoughts and inabilioty to shut it off, and excess stimulation. Most Insomnia is caused by an increased vata energy that starts from daily habits. Contrarily, Pitta-types tend to be restless due to staying up too late, strong emotions, dreams, or fearfulness. It is quite rare for a Kapha-types to have restless sleep, but can happen if too large or heavy of a meal is consumed before sleep.


Keeping a regular sleep routine can help your body learn when its time to rest and calm down.


Herbal Remedies for Vata-Types:

  • 1 teaspoon of Brahmi and 1 tsp Ashwagandha powder in two glasses of water. Bring to a boil and then reduce it to one glass and drink it daily at least once for best results.

  • Glass of Warm milk with nutmeg, cardamom, a pinch of blanched almond, chopped dates, coconut flakes, ginger, or honey.

  • 1 teaspoon of licorice root powder with a glass of cold milk every morning on an empty stomach, for instant and best results.

  • 1 part of tagar herb, 1 part of valerian root powder and 1 part of chamomile and mix all three together. Take ¼ teaspoon of this powdered mixture with a glass of warm milk just before bedtime for best results.

Ritual Habits for Vata-Types:

  • Have a warm bath with Rose or Valerian and practice abhyanga before bed (a warm oil massage for the feet and entire body)

  • Eat a warming, vata-pacifying meal of root vegetables, grains, and warming spices.

  • Keep external stimulation to a minimum (loud music, TV, stressful discussions)

  • Practice waking and sleeping at the same time every day to regulate cortisol release.

  • Try to be active or exercise during the day (especially in the mornings).

  • Meditate and practice several minutes of cooling Chandra Bhedana (Moon Breath).


Herbal Remedies for Pitta-types:

  • Drink a cup of brahmi tea or warm almond milk.

  • Put a few drops of sandalwood, marjoram, or benzoin resin oil into your bath or oil diffuser.

  • Eat cooling or raw foods for dinner and water-based foods and vegetables.

Ritual Habits for Pitta Types:

  • Massage warm ghee (clarified butter) onto your head and the bottoms of your feet.

  • Practice several minutes of Ujjayi breathing.

  • Follow this with a minute or two of meditation.


Remedies for Kapha-types:

  • Kapha-based insomnia is rare, but if you got to bed early and find yourself involuntarily awakening before 10 p.m, make a cup of brahmi tea with a teaspoon of honey.

  • Massage your head and feet with olive oil, mustard seed oil, or sesame oil.

  • Diffuse or bathe with a blend of marjoram, frankincense, rose, and ylang-ylang essential oils.

  • Practice 2-3 minutes of Bhastrika (Bellows Breath) followed by a one-minute meditation before sleep.


Q: What are some habits you find grounding and calming before sleep? What habits have you formed that might be negatively impacting your sleep?


Establish Your Morning Ritual


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